Saturday, June 27, 2015

Just made a wikia for our gaming group

Session Report for Godhood IX: World of Throgglets!

   Saturday, 27th June 2015. Zulhilmi, Chi Lee and I (Syafiq Ibrahim) had our first session playing Godhood IX. Godhood IX is a simulation/roleplaying games that gives you ridiculous amount of freedom to play as a god. The game is recommended to be played by more than three people, one as the book keeper or game master, and the rest as players. Each god possess two spheres which representing the domain you control and the source of your power. for example the god of the sea who possessed 'the sea' as his sphere and as the domain that he controls, every time the sentient interact with his domain for example, fishing- he will regenerate some Acts. Every god starts out with 20 Act points or more depending on how many players are playing. Act is the bread and butter for every gods to create things and interact with the sentient.

   And so our games begin on a clean slate, in a vast empty space in the vacuum of galaxy. Chi Lee playing as Throg, the god of dirt/earth and craft, Zulhilmi playing as Thyron, the god of love and nature, and I, Syafiq playing as Balder, the god of the sea and chaos, also will take the role as the book keeper or game master for the session. Balder and Throg appeared and set up the stage by creating a yellow, medium size star called Sron and a medium size planet called Grande, complete with its atmosphere, minerals and lava filled its core. 7 : 3 of the planet is covered by water. Thyron soon joined them on the planet. They started of by creating Rosia, a multi cellular sea weed which spreads across Grande's sea as underwater forest, followed by Gragas, a multi cellular reptilian, plant creature the looks like a monitor lizard with plant characteristic such as leaves and roots covers its entire body, it feeds on Rosia to survive, Thyron curiously created a demigod creature called Barack. A multi cellular colossus, humanoid creature,  that has wings, strong muscles and the ability to communicate telepathically. It then was put to sleep in the depths of Grande. Throg finally decided to bring the main chess pawn onto the board by creating Throgglets. A 15 cm multi cellular sentient with intelligent creature. It is a reptilian sentient that could walk on their hind legs and operate tools with their arms.

   Balder quickly took this opportunity to monopolize them by electing a prophet among them to spread his religion. Thyron calls out for some of them onto an island that just rose from the bottom of the ocean, across the sea. There they hinted them of powerful entity other than Balder. He also introduced them to a subspecies or Rosia, the Embrosia, a multi cellular plant, that looks like a moss and grow on rocks at the edge of the island, and Sha, a multi cellular plant, a vine tree that contains poison in its vine.Throg take a larger step by breaking the land into 7 continents and spreads it all over the planet, resulting in separating the Throgglets into 7 different tribes in 7 different continents.

    Balder and Throg quickly claims one tribe each for themselves to nurture. Next Throg created a mole like creature that have a large hands and long nails to dig its way through the soil, long trunks and strong tusk which he called Mammoth. Or at least, his version of Mammoth. Balder created Rikan, a multi cellular creature that looks like a living torpedo with a bubble jet projecting organ in its rear and find on its side to help it swim, it feeds on Rosia to survive. He introduced it to his Throgglets to fish and used as food source, but he is more eager to send his ThroggletsI to raid and pillage the neighboring village, he instructed them to create sail ships from the bone and leather of the underground dwellers Mammoth. Thyron refused to stay quite when he heard a ship of Balder's blood thirsty Throgglets on their way with evil intention, he created Amendani, a multi cellular plant, a mighty tall trees with strong trunks, and from it, he gave birth to Ehsapani, A multi cellular, sentient with intelligence. They are ent like creatures with strong tree bark-like skins. Thyron send his prophet across the sea to the neighbouring tribe to spread his influence by using the seeds of Amendani and a group of Ehsapanis. Finally he introduced the idea of creating air craft using the woods from Amendani. Meanwhile, on Throg's tribe, he excels the entire race of Throgglets with double intelligence and introduced them to mining and forging steel. He didn't take any breaks when he start build up walls to protect their city and enforce them with steel. He also instructed them to tame the Mammoth and use them as mounts. Next he created a sub species of Throgglets, The Underthrogglets, their sub speices is bigger and stronger, and they have a pair of big arms and claws to help them dig into the earth to mine for ores. Then he equipping them with steel armors, soon the other tribes follows their idea of creating steel armors as well. Seeing the Amendani could help a lot in craftmanship, Balder's Throgglets take a detour to the tribe on main land (Where Thyron's prophet went to spread his influence to) instead so they could steal the seeds of Amdendani to help further their tribe's civilization. However the first attack was repelled by Thyron's strong defense of Ehsapani, poisonous steel weapons and air crafts war machine.

    Throg's tribe approaches Thyron's tribe to trade steel for their poisonous Sha. Meanwhile, Balder's pirate retreated to the other side of the land and starts mining and forging steel to arm themselves better. Balder evolved them into Throgmore, a Throgglet's sub species who familiar themselves more under water. They have webebd arms and feet, strong thick hide and a natural ability to shoot out high pressured water from their mouth that could cut through steel and could reach about 15 ft. He also made them even more fertile and in short amount of time, their numbers are already doubled. Thyron bestow upon his tribe the knowledge of minor magical ritual,  to summon fog to cause confusion among the opponent's army ranks. Finally, the first war for dominance erupted between the three tribes. Throg's tribe won the war and take over the land as its own, with Thyron's tribe as the runner up who put up a good fight, against their opponents from the land and sea. However they were forced to retreat to their island after they suffered serious casualties. Balder's pirate however up hold their dominance over the sea, but no enough to take on the other two tribes. However they managed to steal Amendani's seeds and return to their tribe.

Thus closed the curtain of the first era...